#What is it like to be on the autistic spectrum as an adult?#geek#weirdo#quirky#scattered-minded#hyperactive#rude#latediagnosis#B2#C1

      What's it like to be on the autistic spectrum as an adult? 

In this lesson you are going to watch a video, in which Samdy Sam, a person diagnosed with the Asperger's syndrome at the age of 33, is talking about her day-to-day struggles, and giving the viewers an insight into what's it like to be an autistic adult. Samdy is a psychologist by proffession, so the information she provides sheds an interesting perspective on the topic of autism: this of someone struggling with it personally, as well as the perspective of a scholar. 

Here is how autistic people might sometimes be perceived. What kind of problems might they encounter in their lives? Which traits, on the other hand, can be concidered as assets ? 

#scattered-minded #shy#clumsy#disorganised #artistic #intelligent #prodigy children # having very good memory #having extraordinary maths skills #paying attention to details #quirky #having very specific interests #unable to lie #naive #feeling awkward when socialising or having a small-talk # rude or churlish

1. Do this vocabulary quiz. It will help you to understand the video material.

 struggle with means : a) to be excited about something b) to have significant difficulties in something and try hard to get things right c) to enjoy something

 to give an insight into something means: a) to show how something works b) to give an advice c) to show the basics 

I look like I've got everything together means: a) I look pretty b) I look weired c) I look normal

 think on my feet means: a) to think quickly and spontaneously b) to multitask c) to think clearly 

exascerbate means: a) to get better b) to get more severe c) to get more precise 

2. Watch the video: 

3.What is Samdy talking about when she uses the expressions below? 

make adjustments / something can prove tricky / that's not really a great long term strategy/ I'm trying so hard to keep up / that's actually quite a lot overlapped with ADHD / if the friendship's meant to work out, it will work out

4. Answer the questions:

1.What is your opinion about people with higly functioning autism trying to come into           voice? 
 2.Do you think you might have any autistic or ADHD traits? 
3.Do you know any people who are diagnosed as neurodivergent?
4.Have you ever heard of any famous autistic scientists or artists? 

Do you want to check out if you could be on the spectrum? Here's the very basic test you can have to find out: ASPERGER'S TEST FOR ADULTS | Recommended Age: 16+ Years (timesofautism.com)
