#What is it like to be on the autistic spectrum as an adult?#geek#weirdo#quirky#scattered-minded#hyperactive#rude#latediagnosis#B2#C1
What's it like to be on the autistic spectrum as an adult?
In this lesson you are going to watch a video, in which Samdy Sam, a person diagnosed with the Asperger's syndrome at the age of 33, is talking about her day-to-day struggles, and giving the viewers an insight into what's it like to be an autistic adult. Samdy is a psychologist by proffession, so the information she provides sheds an interesting perspective on the topic of autism: this of someone struggling with it personally, as well as the perspective of a scholar.
Here is how autistic people might sometimes be perceived. What kind of problems might they encounter in their lives? Which traits, on the other hand, can be concidered as assets ?
#scattered-minded #shy#clumsy#disorganised #artistic #intelligent #prodigy children # having very good memory #having extraordinary maths skills #paying attention to details #quirky #having very specific interests #unable to lie #naive #feeling awkward when socialising or having a small-talk # rude or churlish
1. Do this vocabulary quiz. It will help you to understand the video material.
struggle with means : a) to be excited about something b) to have significant difficulties in something and try hard to get things right c) to enjoy something
to give an insight into something means: a) to show how something works b) to give an advice c) to show the basics
I look like I've got everything together means: a) I look pretty b) I look weired c) I look normal
think on my feet means: a) to think quickly and spontaneously b) to multitask c) to think clearly
exascerbate means: a) to get better b) to get more severe c) to get more precise
2. Watch the video:
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