What have the Romans ever done for us? Loads. This episode of History in a Nutshell ticks off some of the ways Britain changed forever after the Roman invasion. In this lesson you are going to learn a few English slang phrases, practice some past tense, do the quiz, as well as, watch a funny and informative video about Romans in Britain.
1.Watch the video and do the quiz:
1. What didn't the Roman conquerrors do?
a) steal booty b) capture slaves c) grab natural resources like lead and tin d) build synagogues
2. When did the Romans invade Britain?
a) in the 4th century b) 3rd century BC c) 5th century AD d) about 1000 years ago
3. Did the Britons give in?
a) yes, all the tribes were defeated quite quickly b) not all the tribes c) only one tribe gave in
d) two tribes gave in
3.Who was Boudicca?
a) the queen b) a slave c) a druid peasant d) a Roman princess
4.Comment on these numbers:
a)73 miles b)6 meters c) 3 meters, d) 6 years
5. What did the Romans introduce to the British islands, as far as culture, enterntainment, architecture, food and language is concerned? Give as many examples as you can:
a) culture :
b) enterntainment:
c) architecture:
d) food:
e) language:
2. Imagine you are a translator. Here is a piece of the commentary from the video. Fill in the missing words in both: original text and polish translation.
"In AD 43 the new Roman ........................... Claudius was in search of a scrap to cement his status and so he ....................... his invasion of Britain - an island that Romans had been .......................... for some time. He sent 40.000 soldiers over the channel and they quickly defeated the tribes in the south east. Once it was safe, the emperor popped across to Britain to soak up the praise and ............................... his elephants."
..................... nowy rzymski władca Klaudiusz poszukiwał złomu, którym mógłby błysnąć , toteż uknuł inwazję na Brytanię - wyspę, którą Rzymianie obczajali już od jakiegoś czasu. ........................ 40.000 żołnierzy przez .................. , a ci szybko podbili plemiona na południowym wschodzie. Gdy było już bezpiecznie, władca wbił na wyspę .............................................................................................................. .
3. Homework : Translate another piece of at least 5 sentences chosen from the video commentary.
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