Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl gets a surprise reunion with the doctor who saved his leg#amazing personalities#health&safety#B1#B2
In this lesson you're going to listen to an incredible story of how Foo Fighters' main singer, Dave Grohl, got a serious injury while performing for 50 000 people audience in Stockholm, Sweden.
Dave Grohl is an outstanding rock musician, multiinstrumantalist and singer, who has been part of thirty different bands in his career, including Nine Inch Nails, Tenatious D, and legendary Nirvana.
Another exquisite musician, Foo Fighters' charismatic drummer and singer, Taylor Hawkins, who unfortunately passed away this year, takes part in this show.
1. Watch a part of the Skavlan show (6:40'- 14:00') . The host of the show says, that the gig in Sweden didn't go as plan. Why?
2. Watch again. Write in the missing words:
Dave Grohl: Well, I tripped over the .............., and I knew I was comming down towards the ground, so I thought I would sort of just ................ , and when I landed, I dislocated my ancle, and I ................ this bone right here. And I was just kind of in shock, and I was kind of embarrassed, because that's kind of embarrassing you know , trying to be like cool rockstar....
Skavlan: So that was what you .................. : embarassment and shock... How about the pain?
Dave Grohl : There was no ............... . I don't think the band ............
me, they couldn't see what was happening.
Skavlan: What did you see?
Taylor Hawkins : I didn't ........... anything. I was just playing... And finally Nate, our bass player, I think Nate, our bass player was like : dude, stop, Dave's hurt! And I was like What? We all just went to the lip of the stage and looked down and Dave was literally just lying there on his back, on like with this guitar : I broke my f* leg dude! And we were just like : oh shit...
Dave Grohl: But it was only the second song of the show...I mean, ................ we play for three hours or something, and it was a stadium, there were 50.000 people there, we've only been on stage for eight minutes.
Skavlan : So , what were the toughts that went to your head?
Dave Grohl: I felt , I felt obligated, I felt like all of these people had come to this show and they spent their hard earned ..............., and they took the train there, and they waited there for the whole month long, and than they come to the show , and eight minutes later like : it's over??? You know, that's terrible, and so, I looked at Taylor, and I said, I said , I mean, I was out of my mind, so I said : I'm gonna go fix this! I'll be right back! And I said: Taylor, you sing, you know, and so, they kept playing, they took off my shoe , and my ancle was kind of falling off, and the .............. was broken, and they said : your ancle was dislocated, and we have to put it in right now. I looked at my tour manager, and I said: give me a big cup of f** ............... right now. And they put it back in, and the guys were still playing, you know, and the audience is still there, and then I thought that I just could sit down and ................ the show, if I sat in a chair...
3. Describe the accident in details, using these prompts. (Say one, full sentence with each prompt.):
started playing / tripped over / fell down / couldn't stand up / dislocated / broken / paramedics /
the doctor said / braces , plaster , pain killers / whisky / came back to stage
4. The band kept playing Queen's song. What was its title, and why was it a good "fitting song" ?
5. How long did the band play for, after Dave was back on stage with the Swedish doctor , who was holding his leg straight?
6. Who was one of the nurses?
GRAMMAR FOCUS : ed/ing adjectives
How did Dave feel when the accident happened? Look at the words in red, in exercise 2. Write them in:
Dave says , he felt ........................
The situation he was in was .............................
There are many other words that describe how we feel. Such words often end with - ed. Shocked, dissapointed, tired, bored, exhausted.
Can you think of any other words like that?
What about the adjectives ending with - ing ? They describe
a situation we are in, or something we have to deal with. For example, something is boring, exciting, shocking... Can you think of any more examples?
Complete this ed/ing adjective quiz:
1. If someone suffers from depression, they are ........................ .
2. Jaded means: a) happy b) excited c) tired and bored
3. Finish the sentence: This lesson is so ..................
4. If everybody cries during a ceremony, the situation is :
a) cheesy b) touching c) both, a and b
5. If you encounter something unexpecetd, you are ........................ .
6. If you can't stop laughing in a serious situation, it is..................... .
7. Scared means : a) unaware b) frightened c) distracted
8. Infatuated means :
a) in love with someone b) addicted to something c) alarmed
1. What role does music play in your life?
2. Think of one band or a song you remember from your young years. What associations come up to your mind , when you think about it?
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